There are a few things you can do in bed that makes sex infinitely better. These seem like little things but they will totally turn up the heat in the bedroom.
1. Use your hands
He wants to feel cherished and sexy in the bedroom. He also wants to feel your passion for him. So, use your hands to pass this message. Grab on to his tight biceps or wrap your arms around him when you can. He needs to know you’re really into it and that he’s doing something right in bed.
2. Initiate more often
It’s not just about initiating sex alone. Initiate positions. Let him know if you want to try something new. Make him feel like you’re having fun too and want to try amazing things with him.
3. Eye contact
Most women shield their eyes during sex. This is not always a turn-on. Show your man you know exactly who you’re with and let your eyes pass a message of complete lust. No matter what you’re doing at the time, it will feel so much hotter if you look into his eyes.
4. Don’t judge him
Things can happen in the bedroom. He may lose his erection for instance. This is not the time to tease or judge him. Your man needs to feel respected and valued, especially in bed.
5. Let him be the man
It’s okay to take charge sometimes but make him feel sexy in bed too. When he’s in control, submit to the pleasure instead of trying to tweak and change things all the time. Even better, use your words and tell him how tough and manly you think he is.
6. Be confident
Men get turned off when you constantly point out things you don’t like about your body. He’s in bed with you because he finds you beautiful. Be secured in yourself. You’re are sexy. Embrace it. Don’t overthink what you look like and simply have fun. You will be even more attractive.
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